Thursday, October 30, 2008

ABCs about me!

abcs meme
I'm am participating in this fun little game! If you would like to participate, find the icon and the "Mister Linky" sign-up thingy HERE.

Efficient (My Mom)
Intelliegent (My brother)
King's kid
Not patient (working on that)
Teacher :)
Walking with Christ
X-treme (for Christ!!!)
Yearning (for heaven)
Z-----ummmm------can't think of anything... I know, Zoophile! (that would be the root word "Zoon"- animal combined with "Philia"-love. Animal lover!!!). That counts, doesn't it?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pictures of my project

Hey Everyone! How are you? I'm doing great!

These are the pictures that I promised to post of the desk that I made. It was a lot of fun and it was the first major project that I had ever done on my own. I was going to wait until my Dad got back from the States, but I am not a particularly patient person when it comes to these kinds of things.

I'm so excited with my new desk (more like a table, actually)!! I now have a place to do my Bible study, French homework and anything else that I feel like doing! Yeahhhhhh!!!!!!

The only thing left to do is one more coat of stain on the wood where I filled in the screw holes with putty... But that's not pressing and it might be awhile before it gets done :) .
I made the cusions for the chair too... I really didn't enjoy that part very much (not a big fan of sewing. I know how more or less, but I prefer it when my Mom helps me ;) Lazy, I know!)

(BTW: The cow cut-outs that are in the edge of the picture is another project I am working on for a friend. Her last name is Cowert and she is absolutely obsessed with cow art and decore)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

10+ facts about me!

Ha Ha, I've been meaning to do this all week!! I signed up for this at Homeschool Blog Awards. if you would like to sign up also click HERE.

10 Facts (or maybe one or two more) about ME!

  • I love animals!!
  • My favorite type of cake is cheesecake
  • I love eggs with broccoli
  • One of my favorite passtimes is playing the piano or my guitar
  • I have 10 pair of high-heels and I never wear them (note to self: get rid of them)
  • One of my best friends is someone I've never actaully met
  • I live in Mexico but I'm learning French
  • I speak Spanish
  • I really, really like to read, but sometimes it's a stumbling block for me
  • My favorite book is "Pride and Prejudice" and I like anything by Jane Austen
  • I don't watch TV
  • I have 4 brothers and one sister and I love them to death!
  • I HATE mosquitos with a venom!
  • I tend to speak without thinking and then regret it immediately
  • I prefer to stay at home than to always be out and about
  • I want to go to a Bible school next year
  • I really don't like school, but I love languages
  • I'm a Christian, but I prefer the title "follower of Christ"
  • I believe that the Great Commission Matthew 28:18-20 was meant literally
  • I believe in anything the Bible says, if you can prove it with valid Biblical truth I'll believe you
  • I make friends very easily because of my outgoing personality
  • I am a full out reckless Christian and I want to give God the glory in EVERYTHING that I do!

General Update From Mexico

Hey there everyone!! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, I've just been so busy that I didn't have the time to sit down, let alone type, at the computer. So, here I am after all that time, giving you my weekly update thing-a-ma-jig.

This past week, as I mentioned above, was, has been and is being very busy. Today it was self-inflicted, but the past few days I've just been feeling run off my feet!
I worked extra time at job and I was painting! And not just regular painting, I was painting shelves. I'm not sure how many of you have done that before, but if you have you know that it is absolutelly horrible on your back! In addition to this, I was also working like crazy on a powerpoint (actually two) for my Dad to take with him to show in the churches he will be visiting. It's just that making them is soooooo time consuming... not complaining too much, however, because I really enjoy the designing part! (btw, I think that the powerpoints turned out very well, though I might be a little biased ;^)! ).

As of last night my Dad left for the States. We went to town and had a fun time going to the junk yard (mostly for the boys, though I found a cool chair) and eating pizza!!!!!!! Yummm! At 8 p.m. we saw him off and then drove on home. The house seemed strangely quiet when we got home, I suppose that if I miss him today, a week from now is going to be really bad. Sniff. He's going to be there for two weeks, returning on the 6th. Pray for us (and him, of course :) please!

Today I've been working on a desk for my room (pictures will be posted when I'm done). I have a friend who is welding the metal legs together as we speak so that I can finish it up. I can't wait!! I've been wanting one for so long, but I'd never found one that I liked. The trick is making it yourself.

The weather here is still hot (but getting cooler!). It's actually possible to sleep at night without a fan! I know, I know, most of you would probably take our hot weather over your cold weather any day (and to tell you the truth, I wouldn't want to trade), but when you're in the hot weather it's hard to imagine being cold. I mean, we still go swimming every day!

This is the picture I'm going to share with you: Evie working on her painting skills (and getting quite good, I might add!)


And so, life in Mexico goes on. By God's grace we make it through!
Thank you for your time! Have a blessed day!
In Christ

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Goodbye Great Grandma Coult

We’re all saddened by the passing of Great Grandma Coult, but our tears can be turned to laughter and our sorrow to joy knowing that she is now rejoicing in the presence of our Lord! She lived a long and full life and, though we will miss her, God had decided that it was time for her to join Him in her eternal home. She was a devout Christian, and her devotion and prayer brought many into the family of Christ. She has certainly left a legacy that will not easily be forgotten.

Death is a sad but necessary thing. God did not originally intend death. He created this earth that we might live to praise His name. But through the fall of man and the entrance of sin into the world (Genesis 3) death also entered the world. Now we must cope with the passing of loved ones and dear friends. Some live to become grandparents and great grandparents and others are killed before they even get a chance at life.

“Why,” people ask, “would a loving God allow so much death and suffering?” The answer is that He didn’t. It was us, through our rebellion and rejection of His mercy. God was compassionate enough, loving enough, to send His one and ONLY son to DIE for US so that we might LIVE (John 3:16). And we blame Him for this mess we call the world? God doesn’t want that any should perish but rather that all should come into eternal life (2 Peter 3:9). It is, however, your choice. The one, most important choice you will EVER make.

Be careful how you choose, because that choice you make is not only going to affect you. It will affect your children, your children’s children and even your friends. Are you willing to take that chance? Are you willing to let you bitterness or rebellion against God cause someone else to go to hell? So, maybe you don’t believe in all that stuff about “heaven and hell”, but just because you don’t believe doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Your unbelief won’t affect its existence any more than my disbelieving the existence of gravity will cause me to float.

Death is something that we as humans are forced to bear. God doesn’t say it will be easy or that following Him will be painless. It’s okay to be sad and to mourn, Jesus Himself wept at the death of His good friend Larzarus (John 11:35). But Jesus didn’t stop there, He spurred Himself into action. So, rather than letting your grief push everyone away or cause bitterness inside of you, turn it into something positive. Let it overflow in love and God will cause healing, no matter how irreparable the wound may seem.

I write all this along with the news of my Grandma’s death because I believe that she would want her death to be more than just a reminder that we are all mortal. More than just sadness at a loved one’s passing. If even one person is caused to look at their life and reflect, this article will have served its purpose.

My Grandmother chose to follow Christ, to love and not to hate. For that I am grateful. Grateful knowing that it was through her dedicated prayer that my Dad came to know Christ and to dedicate his life to Him. Through her prayers we ended up here, in Mexico. Isn’t it amazing how one person’s life can make such a difference when they’re willing to deny themselves and follow Jesus to the end?

John 14:1-3
“Let not your heart be troubled if you believe in God believe also in me. I my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also”

*Please pray for the other family members that she has left behind. Pray that God would give them the courage and peace. Also for those of the family who do not yet know Christ as their Lord, that God would use this event to draw them closer to Himself. More specific prayers for my Dad as he travels to Oregon to attend the funeral and for us as we will be staying here.*

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My new signature!

Thanks to Kira for the site URL. I was thinking that I would have to make it myself in photoshop.
What do ya think? I decided that I would go by "Miss" since that is the circle I generally hang around. Besides, it sounds nice. Miss Sarah Jean. I am hereby changing my blogger name from "Mexican Redhead" to this:

General Update

Well, these last few days were rather interesting. We had a hurricane hit us (not too bad, thank you, God!!) and our power was out for three days (not fun either). The hurricane started out as a level 4 with 100 mph winds and expected rain. We were all rather worried at the prospect, but thanks to God's grace by the time it hit us it was a level 2 with only 60 mph winds. Where we are the wind never reached a steady 60 mph but rather came in gusts... I'm not sure which is worse. We lost a good number of the shingles off our roof and we lost the power when one of the transformers shorted... all in all, it was kind of an interesting night. The next day we called the power company and they sent out a few guys to fix the transformer. Unfortunatelly, they had to send for a part and we were told that they wouldn't be able to get us power until the following day. Sigh. That meant that we would be spending another night in the dark and... NO FANS!! Now, for most of you living in the States, right about now the last thing that you would want to do is sleep with a fan. But here, it's a different story. With a fan is about the only way you CAN sleep. So, we all spent a night playing musical beds. Everyone was trying to find a place comfortable enough to sleep in. I finally ended up going to sleep at about 12 a.m. on the couch. I payed for it in the morning!! My back was soooooo sore!
True to their word, the power company had us back online the next day... at 5:30 in the evening!! Oh well, we do live in Mexico after all! Along with the hurricane came the cool weather, but not until AFTER we had gotten the power back, that's just how these things work!
As of right now, it is 9:15 a.m. 82* 62% humidity, and I feel like wearing a sweater and thick socks (it's that much cooler than it has been). It's hard to imagine a winter in Oregon (that was our previous home).... burrrrrr! freeeezzzzzzing!
anyhoooo.... I hope you have a great day and may blessings and peace reign in your heart and home!
In Christ~

Note: I'm trying to figure out how to add a signature at the bottom of all of my posts. If anyone knows how I would much appreciate the help! Thanks!

Feelin' Feminine Week Graphic

I just got this idea to make a picture of all the days that I participated in the challenge! It was really fun to make! I hope you all enjoy! Blessings!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Feelin' Feminine Challenge: Day 7

The week of the Feelin' Feminine Challenge is now over. I really enjoyed it, despite the heat, and I wouldn't mind doing it again. Honestly, I've thought a lot about changing my clothing style to just skirts. I don't really mind doing it, but I'm going to wait until the hot season is over first. It will have to be something gradual because I can't just decide to wear only skirts when I don't have more than four! I'll also have to pray about it a little and see if it's something I'll be able to stick to. The last thing I want to do is start something and not follow through with it. So anyway, I had a great week picking out outfits and "dressing up". I think that no matter how old you are you never quite "grow out" of it!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I've been tagged!!

1.) I love to cook and do all kinds of things with my hands!

2.) I play the piano and the guitar

3.) I love to sing!!

4.) I sleep like a rock and have been know to sleep through even the loudest of thunderstorms

5.) I like all kinds of animals (except for reptiles and other such creepy-crawlies, are those even counted as animals?)

6.) I am a Christian and my goal in life is to follow Christ wherever He leads

The Rules:Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog.Write six random things about yourself.Tag six people at the end of your post.Let each person know he or she has been tagged.Let the tagger know when your entry is up

Now I'm tagging...

Brooke... A Glimpse of My World

Mom... Beautiful Feet

Caleb... Boom Box

The Coult Family... The Coult Family

Felecia... Flower in the Rain

(All the other people I know have already been tagged!!)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


These are the newest addtition to our family Zoo! 11! Can you believe it? We're going to keep one of the light-brown speckled ones and one of the brown ones. I personally want to keep them all, but imagine how much dog food we would use per week... Ahhhh!!! They're cute when they're small, but I know that if we kept them I would be the one who would have to clean up after all of them (kind of my "unspoken" job). So anyway, I'm going to try and sell the ones we don't keep. I already know some people who want them. I hope you enjoy the pictures!! If you have any ideas on names I'd love to hear them, I really don't know what I'm going to name any of them!


Feelin' Feminine Challenge: Day 6

This is my outfit for day six in the Feelin' Feminine Challenge. This is one of my favorite shirts because my Grandma and I made it when I visited her this last summer. I'm soooooo happy that the heat is finally going away a little bit!! The humidity level actually went below 70% today! Today we had a breafast of pancakes... Those are one of my favorites!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Feelin' Feminine Challenge: Day 5

Another normal day in my "normal" life (is anything normal when Christ is with you?). Normal skirt, normal shirt, normal shoes, normal day!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Feelin' Feminine Challenge: Day 4

Time for Church. I decided that this momentous occasion warranted the wearing of a dress!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Feelin' Feminine Challenge: Day 3

Day three of the Challenge has arrived! This was the day I went to French class!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Feelin' Feminine Challenge: Day 2

This is my outfit for day two in the Feelin' Feminine Challenge. Still hot... But this time I decided on a skirt! You'd think that at 7:30 a.m. it wouldn't be hot. Oh well, only 13 more days to go before the humidity leaves! (just as a note: today's teperature is 95* 72% humidity)


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Feelin' Feminine Challenge: Day 1

This is day one for me in the Feelin' Feminine Challenge. I was going to wear a skirt, but in this weather it's too hot. So I settled for a dress. Amazing, isn't it? Who'd of ever thought that a skirt would be hotter than a dress!

The Feelin' Feminine Challenge

(Written by Miss Jocelyn at Feelin' Feminine)
This is going to be our 6th Feelin’ Feminine Challenge. If you’ve never taken part in the challenge you can read about it by clicking on the link in the menu bar. A lot of the ladies who are participating already wear skirts, like myself, but we want to take a special week and really display our femininity to ponder on how we feel, what we think, and how God can use us as we seek to fulfill the role of the Biblical Woman.

In addition to wearing skirts and posting your thoughts and photos online I would also like to challenge you to make a list of 5, just 5, ladies who you would like to encourage, inspire, and challenge to do the challenge with you. When you’ve made your list download and print of this flyer and then give it to each lady on your list.
Because I want to commend you as you take or continue to take this journey toward beautiful womanhood two of the ladies who participate in this week’s challenge will be entered in a chance to win a pattern of your choice from
Sense & Sensibility. Thank you Mrs Chancey for donating the items!

If you start the challenge late that is alright. We still encourage you to join us. I will not being drawing for the winners until October 13th to give you all time to wear your skirts, take your photos, and challenge your friends!

Please post about the challenge on your blogs so other ladies can hear about it and add your post links to the linky throughout the week to be archived here!

Hey all, this is Sarah (aka: Mexican Redhead) and I'm going to participate in this challenge. I think it's a great way to let our lights shine. I hope you will join all of us who are going to participate!!! To sign up click HERE and enter you name and email address in the Mister Linky box at the bottom of the post.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dear Mother

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Mother, Happy Birthday to you!

Today is my Mom's OFFICIAL Birthday! I just wanted to make a special note to her and just say thanks!! You've been such a great mom to me and you're always patient, even when I act terribly.

Following blogger tradition, I must now provide a cyber cake for you. Enjoy... Though I think you might enjoy your "real" cheesecake better!
Now... I must state eleven random facts about her!
  • She has to get a good night's sleep or she's grumpy in the morning

  • She likes her coffee black and her tea without sugar

  • She is an excelent cook

  • She plays the piano beautifully

  • She is a natural born veterinarian, she just doesn't know it yet!

  • She prefers skirts to pants

  • She hates hot weather

  • She studied German in college, but she ended up speaking Spanish

  • Her favorite kind of fruit is cherries

  • She is always up and doing something, but she'd prefer to sit down with a book and read

  • Her favorite kind of day is a cold one, sitting in front of a wood-stove with a blanket.

I love you bunches, Mom!!

Visit my Mom's blog HERE and leave her a birthday wish!