Monday, February 2, 2009

On the road AGAIN!!!

If I had one word that would describe this past week it would be... hmm... let's see... crazy? ... inconsistant? ... insane? Yep, that's it. Insane!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't even quite catch up with what has happened. Honestly, I think that today all of the late nights and early mornings caught up with me. I feel like I stayed up all night. I am going to bed as early as possible tonight (that means sometime before ten. Somehow I can never manage anything earlier, and it isn't because of me).
So, with this in mind, you must excuse me if this sounds hurried or thrown-together, because it is! ( :P )

These past two weeks have been interesting. I haven't been in the States so long and I always forget what life here is like. I am so unused to the fast-paced way of life that even a "normal" day seems to tax my energy and forbearance. Life in Mexico is so relaxed... I can't help but miss it; still, I love being able to see all of my friends!

Speaking of seeing friends, I had a particular treat while I was in CA. I got to see my blogger friends Nastya and Felecia. I really enjoyed meeting them and I praise God that in person they were everything and more than they were online (you know, sometimes people seem a lot different online than they truly are in person)! Thanks so much guys!

On Thursday we arrived in Chico at my Grandparents' house. (Just as a side note: one of our friends in Sacramento let us use their motorhome for our trip North. Sweet!!!) My parents stayed in the camper and the rest of us spread out around the house. As a special, I even got to sleep in a real bed!
We did many things with my Grammy. We went shopping (at the thrift store, of course. No use wasting money getting something at an actual store when you can get something almost new and never worn for half the price!), rented several movies (among those the movie Fireproof, which I LOVED and recomened for anyone looking for a good movie to watch, though not really for little kids), played cards (Killer Bunnies, YES!!!), went to the library (my newest book to recomend is Darcy's story. It's Pride and Prejudice from a whole new perspective) and just hung out.
On Wednesday we went to Calvalry Chapel Chico and I got to see all of my friends there for the first time in... wow... almost 2 years! I think that they were pretty surprised since I hadn't given them any advanced warning. :D

We did quite a few other things while in Chico, but for the sake of time I won't mention any more. Today we departed and are now in Oregon. God blessed up immensely in our traveling. We had a peaceful, fun and uneventful trip (the best kind, I think). My Grandma got a ride up with us so she could go and help my Aunt in Portland (she broke her ankle very badly in a skiiing accident about a month ago, and she is struggling with a lot of pain. Pray for her if you think about it, thanks!). I enjoyed being able to spend time with her without anything going on (I admit that it was a crazy week).
The scenery was beautiful! I was so excited by all the snow. You'd've thought we'd seen some sort of wonder by the exclamations and ejaculations in the car (*ahem* motor home)!

So, we are in Oregon at long last! I am excited by the things we have planned for the week, but I know that the most important thing is that I keep God first. I find that sometimes, in all of the stress and busyness of the trip, God gets pushed to the back. I know that this is not how it should be and am determined to KEEP HIM FIRST, and let the rest follow. I have learned from experience that when I don't prayer or spend time in the Word I become cranky and short-tempered, not to mention don't have peace in my own life. Through God's strength I shall be faithful! Though I am weak, in Him I am strong!

My Verse of the week:
James 2:18
But someone will say, "You have faith; I have
Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.

As a note: I am planning on getting on here and writing a "thinker-post" very soon. Just bear with me a little longer!


  1. Aww! Thanks for the compliments to Nastya and myself! :D It was so fun to meet you! Maybe next time we can meet your whole familia!

    Well, I hope the rest of your trip goes well and I will pray for your aunt - hope she does better!

    Stay true! Love ya!

  2. Aw, I bet you had a lovely time meeting Felecia and Nastya!!!! Sisterlisa and her family live in one of the towns you named - I'd love to visit CA I have so many friends there!

    Miss Jocelyn

  3. Hey Sarah! lol. sorry to leave another comment from me! :P I just wanted to tell you that I left a reply to your comment on my blog on the same post you commented on. :)HUGS....

  4. You got to meet Nastya? That's fun! She's one of my blog-friends too.

    Oh I love training dogs! I'm excited about that part of having a puppy. =D

  5. Hope you're doing well Sarah! :) Missing ya!

    Miss Jocelyn


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