This first post is going to be mostly just pictures with captions, but as they (don't ask me who "they" is; I have no clue) say, "a picture is worth a thousand words". So, every time you see a picture just imagine that I wrote a thousand words!
Aren't they all the sweetest looking kids! They really are! This is on the way to church in the Bonsels' SUV. I think that they have us beat on the number of kids that they fit in that vehicle. I think that the final count on Sunday was 20. That's the kids and adults all added together.
Ahh... the boys playing with their tops. They did this every opportunity that they could get. Every afternoon one of us (the girls volunteering at the school) would take the kids out the park to play and burn off excess energy. It didn't always work, but it did help!
This is Jenna (blue dress and bangs), Teresa (red shirt) and Petra. Petra has been working at the school for three years. Teresa has been working there for 8 months and Jenna arrived the day after I did-- she stayed until the first week of July. Christy is the other girl who was volunteering at the school. She had been there for three months.
Estefania and Brian! Aren't they so cute!
Tops again!
This was at a birthday party we went to for a friends mom. We had a great time hanging out with everyone. Christy (the girl who I said was working at the school) is the one in the red dress.
Everyone looks so tired in this picture! We were on our way back to the school after the party.
Proof that I was there!
Making lunch. We had BLTs. Very yummy!
The school itself is set up in two buildings. One is the actual school and the other is the home of the Bonsells and about 20 other children. The main job of the staff working at the school is to take care of the children before and after classes. My job was to help out in the school in the mornings and then in the afternoons Christy, Jenna and I rotated the rest of the jobs amongst ourselves (bathing the kids in the evening, supervising naptime, taking the kids out to the park, preparing meals, etc.).
In conclusion, I must say that I had a great two weeks at the deaf school. It was a dificult schedule, but I think that I benefited from it. I enjoyed working with the kids and the ladies that I had the priviledge of working alongside were a wonderful encouragement to me. I already miss everyone I met there and am hoping to be able to return soon, Lord willing. I am praying about it!
Alright, now I need to go. God bless you all!