Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Feelin' Feminine Challenge

(Written by Miss Jocelyn at Feelin' Feminine)
This is going to be our 6th Feelin’ Feminine Challenge. If you’ve never taken part in the challenge you can read about it by clicking on the link in the menu bar. A lot of the ladies who are participating already wear skirts, like myself, but we want to take a special week and really display our femininity to ponder on how we feel, what we think, and how God can use us as we seek to fulfill the role of the Biblical Woman.

In addition to wearing skirts and posting your thoughts and photos online I would also like to challenge you to make a list of 5, just 5, ladies who you would like to encourage, inspire, and challenge to do the challenge with you. When you’ve made your list download and print of this flyer and then give it to each lady on your list.
Because I want to commend you as you take or continue to take this journey toward beautiful womanhood two of the ladies who participate in this week’s challenge will be entered in a chance to win a pattern of your choice from
Sense & Sensibility. Thank you Mrs Chancey for donating the items!

If you start the challenge late that is alright. We still encourage you to join us. I will not being drawing for the winners until October 13th to give you all time to wear your skirts, take your photos, and challenge your friends!

Please post about the challenge on your blogs so other ladies can hear about it and add your post links to the linky throughout the week to be archived here!

Hey all, this is Sarah (aka: Mexican Redhead) and I'm going to participate in this challenge. I think it's a great way to let our lights shine. I hope you will join all of us who are going to participate!!! To sign up click HERE and enter you name and email address in the Mister Linky box at the bottom of the post.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you'll be participating! Can't wait to see your outfits!


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